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chongqing machinery & electronics holding (group) co. ltd. (cme) is a state-owned holding group corporation by chongqing municipal...[detail]


the signing ceremony of marsyangdi besi hydroelectric project contract, which signed between chongqing water turbine factory co., ltd (cwtw) and divya jyoti hydropower pvt. ltd, was held on august 10,...[detail]

chongqing machinery & electronics holding (group) co. ltd.
add:no.60, mid-section, huangshan avenue, new north zone, chongqing 401123 p.r.china tel: 86-23-63076836 email:iad@cme-cq.com
2014-2015 © chongqing machinery & electronics holding (group) co. ltd. all rights reserved yu icp for 12001980-1
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